Amendment 5 to the national convention of chiropodists and podiatrists

July 21, 2024
Avenant 5 à la convention nationale des pédicures-podologues
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Amendment 5 to the national agreement of chiropodists-podiatrists was signed on July 26, 2023 between the National Union of Health Insurance Funds (Uncam), the National Federation of Podiatrists (FNP), and the National Union of Supplementary Health Insurance Organizations (Unocam). This amendment introduces significant changes in the practice and care of chiropodists-podiatrists, in particular concerning diabetic patients and the integration of new technologies in care.

Main provisions of amendment 5

Direct access for diabetic patients

  • Initial assessment session : A new initial assessment session (grading) is created for diabetic patients. This session allows the chiropodist-podiatrist to assess the podiatric risk and determine the associated care needs, without requiring a prior medical prescription.
  • Valuation of treatment sessions : Treatment sessions for patients in grade 2 or 3 are revalued. The initial session is billed at €35 (quoted at 1.17 POD) and subsequent treatments at €30 (quoted at 1 POD).

New acts supported

  • Localized hand-foot syndrome : Management of this syndrome to improve the quality of life of patients undergoing chemotherapy.
  • Treatment and monitoring of plantar warts : These sessions, already practiced, are now recognized and covered by health insurance, which frees up time for dermatologists.

Additional measures for telecare

  • Flat-rate aid : Amendment 5 introduces two new flat-rate aids to enable chiropodists to equip themselves with video transmission devices (€350) and connected medical devices (€175). These measures support the practice of telehealth care, thereby facilitating access to care for remote patients.

Revaluation of acts

  • Increase in the POD key letter : The price of the POD key letter increases from €27 to €30, and the initial session is increased from €32.13 to €35.

Amendment 5 to the national agreement for chiropodists and podiatrists marks an important step forward for the profession, by expanding direct access for diabetic patients, introducing new covered procedures, and strengthening the technological capabilities of practitioners. These changes aim to improve the quality of care and meet growing public health needs.

For more detailed information, you can consult the documents relating to amendment 5 on the ONPP website and on Légifrance .

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